Contacts - we'd love to hear from you. If you don't find what you're looking for here, take a peek at our Contribute page.

Got a quick question?

If you want to share with us, or have a QQ, drop in @zoolingua

Want to connect?

Check out our social links at the bottom of every page. We look forward to seeing you there!

Looking to contribute?

If you'd like to receive news or want to get involved, let us know over on our Contribute page.

Zoolingua PR

Bear with us as we get our media relations plus ramped up, please. Know that we desire an approach that creates beneficial relationships between Zoolingua and our community. You can find News here on the site. We’re planning stories. Use the form below if you’re Press or related. We’ll try to connect as soon as possible and address your requests.

Media and press

  • Can be yours, a station, Medium, etc.